Lifespan of guppy fish is about 2 years in the wild and if the perfect parameters are maintained then 2-3 years in an aquarium fish tank. After birth it takes about 6-7 weeks of time for a guppy fry to
Lifespan Of Guppy Fish

Lifespan of guppy fish is about 2 years in the wild and if the perfect parameters are maintained then 2-3 years in an aquarium fish tank. After birth it takes about 6-7 weeks of time for a guppy fry to
Yes, guppies do like bubbles because they carry oxygen in them which is required for the survival of fish. Guppies can play around the bubbles in a fish tank because of their movement and oxygen they carry inside them. Why
There is no harm in using Epsom salt in a guppy tank as long as you use the right dosage. This is not just true about Epsom salt but anything that you put in the tank even water for that
Guppy breeding is definitely profitable if you know how much fry to produce or in short, how frequently you allow male and female guppies to mate and produce the fry. What is Guppy breeding business? Like every other business, all
Guppies don’t like to play in current because in the natural world they live in moderately calm water with mild water currents. If you try to create strong currents in your aquarium, it will make your guppy fish exhausted because
Guppies tend to nip betta fins for several reasons. If you are thinking about keeping guppies and bettas together then there are many factors that you must observe about both these fish types, before you go and set up a
Yes, it is perfectly okay to keep only male guppies in a tank. This is a great way to control guppy population in your tank. When you have male and female guppies together you’ll see females getting pregnant all the
Guppies can live in a bucket for about 2 days and more if you provide all the necessary equipment in bucket as if it’s your main tank. Why do you want to keep a guppy in a bucket? The question
A pregnant guppy is staying at the top of the tank because she is very close to giving birth. At this point you can shift her to a new breeding tank if you really care for the newborn fry. If
Your pregnant guppy fish is swimming up and down because it is under stress that can be caused for a variety of reasons. In this article we are going to look at some of the most common reasons of stress